Dependants and the DependantBase
Most of these docs use Depends
and Dependency
as the main markers and containers for dependencies.
But the container doesn't actually know about either of these two things!
In fact, the container only knows about the DependantBase
, which you can find in di.api.dependencies
is just a concrete implementation of the DependantBase
, and Depends
is in turn a wrapper function around Dependency
for the sole purpose of overriding the types that type checkers see.
You can easily build your own version of Dependency
and Depends
, by inheriting from Dependency
or by writing a DependantBase
implementation from scratch.
is a relatively simple interface.
We choose to use an ABC primarily so that it is inexpensive to do isinstance(something, DependantBase)
, which comes up relatively often.
Unlike ABCs, Protocols cannot be cheaply or accurately runtime checked in Python.
Here is an example that extracts headers from requests:
from __future__ import annotations
import inspect
from typing import Any, Mapping, Optional
from di import Container, Dependant, Depends
class Request:
def __init__(self, headers: Mapping[str, str]) -> None:
self.headers = {k.lower(): v for k, v in headers.items()}
class HeaderDependant(Dependant[Any]):
def __init__(self, alias: Optional[str]) -> None:
self.alias = alias
super().__init__(call=None, scope=None, share=False)
def register_parameter(self, param: inspect.Parameter) -> HeaderDependant:
if self.alias is not None:
name = self.alias
name ="_", "-")
def get_header(request: Request = Depends()) -> str:
return param.annotation(request.headers[name]) = get_header
# We could return a copy here to allow the same Dependant
# to be used in multiple places like
# dep = HeaderDependant(...)
# def func1(abcd = dep): ...
# def func2(efgh = dep): ...
# In this scenario, `dep` would be modified in func2 to set
# the header name to "efgh", which leads to incorrect results in func1
# The solution is to return a copy here instead of self, so that
# the original instance is never modified in place
return self
def Header(alias: Optional[str] = None) -> Any:
return HeaderDependant(alias=alias) # type: ignore
async def web_framework() -> None:
container = Container()
valid_request = Request(headers={"x-header-one": "one", "x-header-two": "2"})
with container.bind(Dependant(lambda: valid_request), Request):
await container.execute_async(container.solve(Dependant(controller))) # success
invalid_request = Request(headers={"x-header-one": "one"})
with container.bind(Dependant(lambda: invalid_request), Request):
await container.execute_async(
) # fails
except KeyError:
raise AssertionError(
"This call should have failed because x-header-two is missing"
def controller(
x_header_one: str = Header(), header_two_val: int = Header(alias="x-header-two")
) -> None:
"""This is the only piece of user code"""
assert x_header_one == "one"
assert header_two_val == 2
Another good example of the customizability provided by DependantBase
is the implementation of JointDependant, which lets you schedule and execute dependencies together even if they are not directly connected by wiring:
from di import Container, Dependant
from di.dependant import JoinedDependant
class A:
class B:
executed = False
def __init__(self) -> None:
B.executed = True
def main():
container = Container()
dependant = JoinedDependant(Dependant(A), siblings=[Dependant(B)])
solved = container.solve(dependant)
a = container.execute_sync(solved)
assert isinstance(a, A)
assert B.executed
Here B
is executed even though A
does not depend on it.
This is because JoinedDependant
leverages the DependantBase
interface to tell di
that B
is a dependency of A
even if B
is not a parameter or otherwise releated to A