.. _Migration: ================================================= Migrating from ``keras.wrappers.scikit_learn`` ================================================= .. contents:: :local: Why switch to SciKeras ---------------------- SciKeras has several advantages over ``keras.wrappers.scikit_learn``: * Full compatibility with the Scikit-Learn API, including grid searches, ensembles, transformers, etc. * Support for Functional and Subclassed Keras Models. * Support for pre-trained models. * Support for dynamically set Keras parameters depending on inputs (e.g. input shape). * Support for hyperparameter tuning of optimizers and losses. * Support for multi-input and multi-ouput Keras models. * Functional `random_state` for reproducible training. * Many more that you will discover as you use SciKeras! Changes to your code -------------------- SciKeras is largely backwards compatible with the existing wrappers. For most cases, you can just change your import statement from: .. code:: diff - from keras.wrappers.scikit_learn import KerasClassifier, KerasRegressor + from scikeras.wrappers import KerasClassifier, KerasRegressor SciKeras does however have some backward incompatible changes: Fit returns ``self`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In TensorFlow calling ``fit`` on wrappers returned a Keras ``History`` object, which held an attribute called ``history`` that is a dictionary with loss and metric names as keys and lists of recorded values for each epoch as the dictionary values. However, in SciKeras, ``fit`` now returns and instance of the estimator itself in order to conform to the Scikit-Learn API. Instead, the history is saved in the ``history_`` attribute. Calling ``fit`` resets this attribute, calling ``partial_fit`` on the other hand extends it. .. code:: diff def get_model(): ... model.compile(loss="mse", metrics=["mae"]) return model clf = KerasClassifier(get_model) - hist = clf.fit(...).history - losses = hist["mae"] + hist = clf.fit(...).history_ + losses = hist["mean_absolute_error"] .. note:: Unlike the TensorFlow wrappers, SciKeras normalizes the names of the keys, so that if you use `metrics=["mae"]` you will get a key named `"mean_absolute_error"`. ``score()`` return R^2 by default for regressors ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Keras returns your model's mean loss when ``KerasRegressor.score()`` is called. SciKeras, like most Scikit-Learn estimators, returns the coefficient of determination of the prediction (also known as R^2 score). This is however customizable. One-hot encoding of targets for categorical crossentropy losses ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SciKeras will not longer implicitly inspect your Model's loss function to determine if it needs to one-hot encode your target to match the loss function. Instead, you must explicitly pass your loss function to the constructor: .. code:: python clf = KerasClassifier(loss="categorical_crossentropy") Variable keyword arguments in fit and predict ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Keras supports a variable keyword arguments (commonly referred to as ``**kwargs``) for ``fit`` and ``predict``. Scikit-Learn on the other hand does not support these arguments, and using them is largely incompatible with the Scikit-Learn ecosystem. As a compromise, SciKeras supports these arguments, but we recommended that you set parameters using the constructor or ``set_params`` for first-class SciKeras support. For example, to declare ``batch_size`` in the constructor: .. code:: diff - clf = KerasClassifier(...) - clf.fit(..., batch_size=32) + clf = KerasClassifier(..., batch_size=32) + clf.fit(...) Or to declare separate values for ``fit`` and ``predict``: .. code:: python clf = KerasClassifier(..., fit__batch_size=32, predict__batch_size=10000) If you want to change the parameters on a live instance, you can do: .. code:: python clf = KerasClassifier(...) clf.set_params(fit__batch_size=32, predict__batch_size=10000) clf.fit(...) Functionally, this is the same as passing these parameters to ``fit``, just with one more function call. This is much more compatible with the Scikit-Learn API. In fact, this is what Scikti-Learn does in the background for hyperparameter tuning. Renaming of ``build_fn`` to ``model`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SciKeras renamed the constructor argument ``build_fn`` to ``model``. In a future release, passing ``build_fn`` as a _keyword_ argument will raise a ``TypeError``. Passing it as a positional argument remains unchanged. You can make the following change to future proof your code: .. code:: diff - clf = KerasClassifier(build_fn=...) + clf = KerasClassifier(model=...) Default arguments in build_fn/model ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SciKeras will no longer introspect your callable `model` for *user defined* parameters (the behavior for parameters like ``optimizer`` is unchanged). You must now "declare" them as keyword arguments to the constructor if you want them to be tunable parameters (i.e. settable via ``set_params``): .. code:: diff - def get_model(my_param=123): + def get_model(my_param): # You can optionally remove the default here ... return model - clf = KerasClassifier(get_model) + clf = KerasClassifier(get_model, my_param=123) # option 1 + clf = KerasClassifier(get_model, model__my_param=123) # option 2 That said, if you do not need them to work with ``set_params`` (which is only really necessary if you are doing hyperparameter tuning), you do not need to make any changes. Only Scikit-Learn compatible inputs are supported ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In order to be compatible with all of the features of Scikit-Learn, SciKeras has to make some assumptions about the inputs. The main implication of this is that **TensorFlow Dataset inputs are not supported**. Instead, you will have to convert your inputs to a numpy array, Pandas dataframe or lists before passing them into SciKeras (or a Scikit-Learn pipeline/hyperparameter tuner wrapping it).